How We Help


FoundationGIVE helps ensure opportunities are shared across schools of different socioeconomic backgrounds by giving every school in your district access to the same tools and resources to help their classrooms succeed.


With FoundationGIVE, you can build a network of local businesses that want to donate goods or services. The platform helps you manage these relationships, as well as any physical goods made available to the district.


FoundationGIVE creates community around online giving. We connect people who have the resources and desire to improve students’ lives with the teachers and programs that will benefit the most. This connection doesn’t just strengthen a community’s educational outcomes—it makes the entire community stronger as a whole.


FoundationGIVE creates a single place for teachers and PTOs in your district to create crowdfunding campaigns. It also provides you with a centralized hub to oversee and manage crowdfunding activities so that you can ensure donations are processed appropriately. This helps minimize the risk of lost or misappropriated funds.
